Monday, June 23, 2014

Temple Emek Shalom

An volunteer activity where I was the lead Digital Artist/Graphic Designer for the Temple Emek Shalom (TES) 2013 live auction promotional materials including a brochure, auction pamphlet, envelopes, menus, and more. I worked closely with the co-presidents of TES on this project.
This year Temple Emek Shalom has asked me to return to design this year’s auction pamphlet surrounding the theme of a Casino Mitzvah. So far here is the ideas for the design.

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Far Out! Southern Oregon in the 1960s | Southern Oregon Historical Society

This project was the Far Out! Southern Oregon in the 1960s by the Southern Oregon Historical Society. I was asked to come up with a design that is modern, yet brings elements of the 1960s. I chose to come up with a simple, yet bold and modern take of the typical patterns and colors that was used in 1960s advertisements, etc. The purpose of the exhibit panels was to display information that brings the artifacts or museum objects into context. Each panel was designed to be 40″x60″. There were four categories including Pop Culture (Orange), Youth Culture (Pink), Environmental (Green), and Civil Rights (Blue)–the Introduction to the exhibit was displayed near the entrance (purple). I printed the panels and helped trim the excess paper on the pre-spraymounted panels.
Below are some images of the exhibit!

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Blackstone Audio Internship

An internship within the art department at Blackstone Audio, which I was involved in creating book covers, reformatting design layouts to work in Blackstone Audio’s templates, etc. The internship was a part of my educational goals at Southern Oregon University. I earned college credit for this activity. During the time I was there I met a ton of wonderful people--almost all the people who worked there were helpful and were always willing to answer my questions. I am very thankful to Robert Arellano for getting me the gig. Anyways, here are a few samples of what I did there! 

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

 Doctor who logo and Weeble's Amazing Horse fan art that I created :)

EMDA Around the World

Created this poster for the EMDA Around the World event at Southern Oregon University.


Poster created for the Southern Oregon University SOFAS club. 

Wednesday, November 16, 2011


Welcome to my blogspot! Please click the side links to view some of the projects and work I have been working on!